Software Product Manager
- Experienced leader of cross-functional software product development teams
- Background in Lean, Agile/Scrum, & User Experience (UX)
- Focus on complex, highly-regulated domains, such as FinTech, Healthcare, and Aerospace
Strong Generalist Background
- Senior-level UX Designer and User Researcher
- Experienced in all SDLC stages concept-to-delivery; B2B, B2C, & B2B2C; startups & legacy; consulting/agency & in-house
- Trained dozens in design, user research, and programming, at schools and on the job
- Certified Scrummaster since the years before these credentials even expired
Proudest Results
- Personally built no-code Healthcare ecommerce site and processed first $3000+ in sales; this system has now grown into a $1 million+ revenue per day business
- Managed Fintech startup flagship product end-to-end, from concept to deployment, winning $60B financial services company as first client, leading to startup acquisition
- University instructor in software programming (C++)
- Published conference papers on APIs & user research methods that are regularly cited
Interested in working together?
- I'm an experienced speaker and would be happy to present to you or your team!
- Contact me to discuss opportunities at the address below!
Location: Los Angeles, CA
LinkedIn: in/jackbeaton